Thursday 18 October 2012

Why Print Media?

I want to focus my project on print media and how digital revolution has affected it.
Print media has changed how people communicate, it has helped in making our education what it is today, because it was a key tool in distributing information. It is hard to think of the past events like the World War 2 without print media. Previous generation cannot imagine their mornings without a newspaper or a weekly magazine but now all that is changing.
The new generations cannot imagine their morings without checking their Facebook or Twitter. Now we get our information from the Internet, we get our news from there, which are usually recent and happened hours ago. So how can print media that is seen as outdated, still be relevant? How did the "digital revolution" affect it? How is the print media coping with all of this? Where is it all going?
I'll focus on 1 or 2 newspapers or magazines of my choice.I will try to analyse these and many other question in this blog and create a picture of Print Media in the 21 Century.
In other words it is a important part of human history and something that I am personally interested in and therefor it is the focus of my project.


  1. It's so weird to think that one day we'll be just like our parents who are telling to their kids: "u know, when I was young, we received newspapers and magazines like Vogue on a paper"
